Full Body Cleanse: The Body’s “Great Reset”

In the quest to gain as much knowledge as I can about the mind, the body, physical fitness, health and wellness, I stumbled upon a concept that is not foreign to the average ear but is generally NOT practiced by the average person.

If you focus on this one area in your health, it is scientifically proven to limit your chances of illness, rid you of any skin complications, spike your energy levels and improve your overall physical performance and mental clarity.

What I’m about to reveal to you may seem like common sense but apparently, as the well known phrase goes: “Common sense ain’t that common” nowadays now is it?

Body Cleansing- What Is It?

The self-explaining ‘body cleanse’ is exactly what it says it is; it’s ridding your body of the toxins, parasites and unneeded metals that have accumulated over the years. This is largely due to eating processed foods, foods grown with pesticides, GMO’s, farmed-raised seafood, high fructose corn syrup, uncooked meats and any other foods that are loaded with chemicals you can’t even pronounce that don’t naturally grow on land.

There are various types of body cleanses that target specific organs and health issues. A few examples include: the liver cleanse, colon cleanse, kidney cleanse, full body liquid detox, and more. Many common illnesses are as a result of having an overall very polluted body.

Body Cleanse Questionaire

  • Have you ever been to your doctor’s after feeling ill?
  • You sensed it was a fever, flu, stomach bug or something that you’re familiar with, to then go to the doctors only for them to diagnose you with that very condition and their solution is to take a certain prescription for a certain amount of time and then it ‘should go away in a few days’?
  • Has any doctor ever told you to cleanse your body of toxins that may be contributing to you becoming ill?

The most common responses from gathering data from hundreds of clients is usually: YES, YES, and NO.

Do you think that is by chance?

Why Should We Care About Cleansing Our Bodies?

Money is in the TREATMENT and not the CURE. It provides a clear reason behind the medical world choosing to not provide the average person with life changing information like the use body cleanses. If they were to tell you everything that would prevent you from having to visit them regularly, then they wouldn’t have a lucrative business. The pharmaceutical companies would without a shadow of doubt, go bankrupt for telling people:

“Hey, you’re sick because you have a high level of toxins present in your body, you should clean your colon, liver and kidneys periodically. You don’t need us! There are hundreds of herbs, fruits and vegetables that you could use to heal yourself. Try eating more garlic. It’s a very effective natural antibiotic!”

This is why taking your life and health into your own hands should be a priority – start by cleansing your body NOW! Nobody is going to care about your health and wellness as much as you. You MUST be responsible for your own health and well being.

With all the information out there, it might seem overwhelming to start this journey by attempting a full body cleanse ; since I’ve been undertaking them for about 6 years now, I would recommend to focus on the most important area of the body. Some call it your 2nd brain and others may consider it your first(!), it’s all about the…….

GUT HEALTH- Where All The Parasites Dwell!

The reason why Gut Health is where I recommend you start is because it is the biggest contributor to your overall well-being. Gut Health covers multiple aspects of the gastrointestinal(GI) tract including effective digestion and absorption of nutrients from food and vitamins, absence of GI illness, normal and balanced intestinal microbiota’, effective immune response and a general optimal state of well being.

If not cleansed thoroughly and periodically, it’s highly likely your gut could be contaminated with built up toxins and even harmful parasites, worms and organisms that feed off the nutrients that you eat.

The gut is a place where a copious amount of different organisms reside – for example probiotics, known for being essential to your health. A few organisms are less helpful. Two known to prey on the gut are protozoa and helminth worms.

Protozoa are one-celled organisms that are aggressive and multiply rapidly. They can lay dormant for years before seriously affecting your health. Protozoa that spread through unclean food or water usually affect the digestive system by living and multiplying in the intestines.

Helminth worms have a lot more species and are much larger in size. Adult helminths range in size from under a millimeter to over a meter in length, living in your body.

How Harmful Organisms Affect the Gut

Protozoa that spread through unclean food or water usually affect the digestive system by living and multiplying in the intestines. Symptoms vary by species of protozoa but typically include diarrhea and other stomach complaints. Other organs can also be affected as the parasite spreads.

In contrast Helminth and other types of worms can live for a long time and slowly grow. They attach to the intestinal lining or burrow deep into tissue. Whilst there, they will take your nutrients and can cause intestinal obstructions, often producing chronic and gradually worsening health conditions.

In children, worms can affect the normal development of the body and brain.[7] Unlike protozoa, worms do not multiply within the human body.

A Few Symptoms of Bad Gut Health

  • Digestive issues like bloating, gas or diarrhea
  • Sugar cravings
  • Bad breath
  • Food allergies or sensitivities
  • Moodiness, anxiety and depression
  • Skin problems like eczema
  • Diabetes
  • Autoimmune conditions and suppressed immunity
  • Brain fog/Bad cognitive function

The Benefits of a Gut Cleanse

A healthy gut is the main contributor of a functioning body. When your digestive system is clean and functioning properly, your bodies natural ability to heal and detoxify itself is at it’s best.

When your digestive system is not working properly, you are most likely not getting the most out of the foods you eat, meaning, your body’s ability to absorb the nutrients is hindered. A gut cleanse and detox can get your digestion back to where it needs to be. Here’s the benefits of a gut cleanse….

  • Increase of Energy: One of the most commonly reported benefits is a boost of energy, especially if followed up by eating nutrient enriched foods. Imagine waking up feeling energized and not needing that caffine fix every day like you used to. Ditch the coffee and clean that gut.
  • Regulate and Restore Immune System: While eliminating the harmful organisms and bacteria the are linked to autoimmune dis-eases, you automatically ensure that your immune system is not being attacked by an invisible enemy and that in short, ensures that your immune system is performing optimally.
  • Jumpstart Metabolism: The microbiome in your gut regulates your metabolism. Cleaning your gut is perfect for activating your body’s natural calorie burning power.
  • Balance Your Emotions: Inflammations occurs when you have a crappy diet. Anxiety and stress increase with greater inflammation in the body. Clean that gut and get it into proper working order. It can affect your emotions and mood in a good way.
  • Strengthen Your Brain: The health of your gut can have a positive impact on brain function. Specific diets — like the healthy one you’ll adopt after your detox — can help normalize neurodevelopmental disorders. Some probiotics are also known to influence brain activity, so be sure to add them back into your diet with supplements once the cleanse is over
  • Relieve Constipation and Promote Regularity: Your body can have a hard time with digestion when you follow a poor diet that’s full of processed foods, meat, and sugar. An unhealthy diet can lead to compacted waste — or, in other words, constipation. Since you eliminate unhealthy foods on a gut detox, while focusing on drinking water and eating fiber-rich foods, it helps your system, removing waste and flushing out the bad stuff. Essentially, your gut will be reset following a cleanse, which means your bowel movements will likely be more regular and consistent, and you’ll be processing and digesting food at healthy levels again.

How to Clean the Gut

There are lots of ways to cleanse your gut for optimal health benefits. From detox juices, to fasting and a high fiber diet, experts have experimented with various ways to maintain a clean gut naturally.

I did my first gut cleanse with a product called Oxy-Powder along with Latero-Flora.

They are both all natural, all organic and work effectively together.

Oxy-Powder is essentially magnesium and the Latero-Flora is a probiotic.

You can buy them as a package together or each individually. The two products come with an instructions manual on how to take them to receive optimal results.

It is unlike any over the counter laxatives in a sense that when you take Oxy-Powder, you have more control over your bowel movements….and you WILL have a few.

The Oxy-Powder designed to oxygenate the intestines overnight while you sleep and break down those hard stools that have been stuck between the crevices of your intestinal region for years if you have never had a colon/gut cleanse before.

The Latero-Flora is the probiotic which is the “good bacteria” that you must put back in the gut because it is absolutely essential in optimal gut health you lose a lot of the good bacteria from cleansing the intestines.

A good indication that your body is becoming cleansed is that will develop flu-like symptoms.

When your body is removing the toxins in the gut, you get withdrawal-like symptoms like a headache, cold chills, and fatigue because your body was so accustomed to being polluted with toxins.

After about 2-3 days, It goes away completely and you feel more vital and light on your feet. One step closer to having your body work as it should. As pure as you were before you started to fill you body up with processed foods, alcohol and an overload of sugars.

The best time to start is NOW, so hesitate no more and take personal initiative to get your health back on track! You owe it to your spouse, your children, your family and most importantly, your future self!

*Make sure you consult with your family physician before you consider starting a body cleanse.*

Click on the Amazon link below to purchase the Oxypowder and Latero Flora body cleanse and start living a healthier life!

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